Destinie Paige

Destinie Paige


Destinie Girigari’s (b.2000) work

explores the unseen beauty in the everyday experiences of women and people of colour. Using photography, film, set design her imagery has a trademark use of rich colours and  elaborate staging  that playfully blend inspirations from cinema and fashion to redefine the picture of black culture and femininity.


During a highly successful 2020, she was featured in Vogue, Grazia,  and The Evening Standard. Her gallery proposal “Black Boy Joy” was selected for exhibition in 2022.

I am driving sorry! And only saw this now.

Let me know if you need more




Sisters - Film Photoshoot.
Sisters - Film Photoshoot.
Kiara Photoshoot.
Kiara Photoshoot.
Kiara Photoshoot.
Kiara Photoshoot.
Photoshoot - With Ore.
Photoshoot - With Ore.
Jaz Karis Music Video - Mistake Set design by: Destinie Paige
Jaz Karis Music Video - Mistake Set design by: Destinie Paige
Shoot for @thisissola - Photography: Destinie Paige
Shoot for @thisissola - Photography: Destinie Paige
"Just Remember This" - series 1 - Photography: Destinie Paige
"Just Remember This" - series 1 - Photography: Destinie Paige
 Nestled - a film for Lush - Set Design: Destinie Paige
Nestled - a film for Lush - Set Design: Destinie Paige