Aliyah Chaumoo

Aliyah is a conscientious, thoughtful designer specialising in urban landscapes. Her priority as a landscape designer has been accommodating both human and non-human clients in response to climate change. Her desire for sustainable landscapes has come across in her work. She has created several stunning and innovative landscape designs during her time at university including ‘High street Forest’, an immersive architectural forest experience for locals, which in turn encourages biodiversity into the area; ‘The Royal BTS Gardens’, involving three types of ‘dry’ garden surrounding one ‘wet’ garden based on a salt marsh, also aimed at accommodating local species; and ‘Urban Oasis’.
Her Final Major Project has been designed as an adaptation to climate change, aimed at changing the UK conservation status of the Sturnus Vulgaris bird in Peckham Rye. She uses a structure and diversity of planting to encourage the nesting of a range of biodiverse species that the bird depends upon. Peckham Square has become a flexible space ready to accommodate many events, including public art displays and market stalls selling street food. She also recognises the importance of community cohesion and healthy lifestyles; the Community Gardens intends to engage the local community in growing their own produce.

In the Community Garden
In the Community GardenLocals growing their own produce in the community garden Aliyah designed on Surrey Canal Walk.
Urban Oasis Scheme
Urban Oasis SchemeAn axonometric drawing showing my entire design scheme comprised of three main areas: 1) Urban Oasis Park, 2) Peckham Square and 3) Community Gardens.
Zoomed view of Urban Oasis Park
Zoomed view of Urban Oasis ParkThe café and play area of the park explained through an axonometric drawing.
Peckham Square materiality
Peckham Square materialityA zoomed axonometric of Peckham Square’s new paving materials, showing the existing geology beneath. The space will be inhabited by public art displays at some points throughout the year.
Inside Urban Oasis Park
Inside Urban Oasis ParkA view inside the Park, showing varying hedge heights and controlled views.