Dimana Nullmeier

Dimana is an ambitious musician. Starting as a drummer, she wanted to explore more and being diverse. She is a curious, adventurous person who is fascinated by the idea of creating something own and beautiful from scratch. She is eager to become a music producer while exploring more facets of the music industry at the same time. Her perfect life is one that revolves around music. She is experienced, reliable, and focused on results. She is multiculturally educated and so is her behaviour. And she is eager to work for clients with the same attitude, passionate for a new chapter in life as well excited to work with amazingly creative people. Her strengths vary from composing, to performing and to producing. She likes to offer her professionalism, her enthusiasm in new fields of art combined with her work effort. Give her a challenge and she will impress you!

Showreel-Composition for Visuals_Dimana Nullmeier
Showreel- Compositions for Audio_Dimana Nullmeier