Rogena Saadalla

Rogena is a creative designer that specialises in advertising and brand design as well as having knowledge in augmented reality. Working on various live briefs for clients, such as Outernet London, Museum of London, and Rotary International, Rogena gained experience and many skills used in the creative industries such as art direction, creative direction, campaign design, brand communication, strategy and online and off-line activations.

"I want to work in the advertising & brand design industry because every solution to a brief is so unique; it's like getting on a roller coaster but even better because it's never repetitive." Rogena Saadalla

Welcome To Uncanny Valley Uncanny Valley is a piece of design-fiction where the issue of fake appearance is taken to an extreme futuristic perspective. This is a fictional place branding video of Uncanny Vally.
I designed an AR social media filter where users can try the Uncanny Valley look.