Sam Jason Hamilton

Roughly 285 million people are visually living with a visual impairment and this is set to triple by 2050. People with visual impairment are 50% more likely to live with depression and less likely to pursue a job in the creative industries. Research has shown that engaging in any creative process improves your mental health.

This project is inspired by Sam's personal experience of being a visually impaired designer.

Brief: Showcase visual impairment in the creative industries.
Creative Proposition: The brand needs to meet the guidelines of designing for the visually impaired.
Solution: Showcase the importance of and how to cater the design to the visually impaired in a series of experiences.

Logo Design
Logo DesignExploration of logo's and how they appear to blurred vision. The See Different logo was specifically designed to cater towards visual impairment.
Experience Visual Impairment
Experience Visual ImpairmentImages that showcase what it is like to see through the eyes of multiple visual impairments.
Typography.Fix your Face. How typography affects visually impaired readers and how accents affect readability.
Colour theory
Colour theoryHow colours are viewed by different types of colour blindness, and how to cater your palette.
See through our eyes
See through our eyesA physical experience that allows people to see through the eyes of visual impairment.