Orla O’Shea

Orla is a filmmaker who has experimented with documentaries throughout the foundation course in Media Production. Her short documentary is a product of her passion for music and love of collaboration with others. Using digital production techniques she has learned in the past year, Orla has produced a few short films with the recurring theme of quick-cut editing to music, which she soon found was her forte. With the aim to appeal to a broad demographic she is hopeful that her final project 'Lockdown Discs' will resonate with her intended audience, just as her previous projects have done.

Lockdown DiscsLockdown Discs is a short documentary investigating how music has impacted us throughout lockdown.
Your LondonA short film about young creatives in London
PUNKA short fashion promotion film inspired by the punk movement
Who am i?A stop motion animation for identity week using lego and a model set - exploring themes of identity and what Orla considers to make up her identity.