Solomon Toby Alfred
Toby is a passionate designer that aims to create spaces that allow the user to question the meaning of space, either metaphorically or physically. Culture is what he is passionate about, as well as exploring how a community survives and thrives on the materials that are nearby. This conception truly intrigues him. Within culture (as a theme), he embraces the vernacular and the world of it. Toby yearns to understand the ways of the old before technology and scientific discoveries - when it was just man and nature co-existing to form a language. This [language] is still used today in some parts of the world where they are not privileged with the current tools and equipment.
Toby enjoys rendering and photorealism, he takes great pride in turning an idea into a visual substance. In addition, self-discovery is what he takes pride in, if you give him a little, he will run with it, whether it is an idea or software, Toby is familiar with design complexity.